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Explanation of Vote on North Korea
Ukraine voted for the resolution trusting that any responsible member of the international community must spare no effort in restoring respect for international law and finding solutions to counter the greatest threats to global peace and security.

Statement by Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsya, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, at the UNSC open debate on addressing complex contemporary challenges to international peace and security
To our deepest regret, the world is currently living in an era of the erosion of the rule of law, when arbitrary application and selective or arbitrary interpretation of norms and principles of international law, with respective obligations and commitments that derive from it, is becoming a routine occurrence.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on the Iranian nuclear dossier
Ukraine is concerned about the incidents of noncompliance with restrictions on arms-related transfers as well as the asset freeze and travel ban provisions.

Statement by H.E. Mr. Pavlo Klimkin, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, at the UNSC Ministerial Meeting on the Non-Proliferation of WMD/North Korea
Russian military aggression against Ukraine as well as systematic provocations by North Korea have provoked dangerous misbalance in the existing international security system, undermined the effectiveness and reliability of WMD non-proliferation regimes.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on Sudan ICC
As a Chair of the Sudan sanctions Committee I am pleased to note that the overall security situation in Darfur remains stable.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC meeting on the situation in the DPRK
To ensure accountability for human rights violations, Ukraine supports considering the scope for establishment of an ad hoc international tribunal for North Korea.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the General Debate of the 16th Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute
The Ukrainian government is trying to do its best to remove legal obstacles preventing Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA meeting on strengthening of the coordination of the UN humanitarian and disaster relief assistance
Ukraine fully supports the Secretary General’s ambitious UN reform efforts, in particular in the area of the humanitarian assistance.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA plenary meeting “Oceans and the law of the sea, including sustainable fisheries”
We acknowledge the need for enhancing ocean governance as a fundamental cornerstone for preserving and protecting the marine environment and biodiversity, as well as ensuring peaceful relations between States.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC debate on ICTY/ICTR
The ICTY and the ICTR were a huge step forward in the fight against impunity. The cooperation of states with international tribunals is crucial for achieving their important objectives.