Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on the Iranian nuclear dossier

Mr. President,
I thank all distinguished briefers for providing factual and substantial reports on the status of implementation of both the resolution and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
We highly commend professional and impartial efforts of the UN Secretariat, the European Commission, IAEA as well as the Facilitator to ensure full and proper implementation of those crucial instruments, which have contributed to easing tensions around the Iranian nuclear issue as well as strengthening non-proliferation and export control regimes in general. We welcome the continuation of a smooth and effective functioning of the Procurement channel mechanism, with approval of more proposals to supply to Iran relevant goods and technologies.
Let me reiterate that JCPOA fully respects the balance between the legitimate right of a state to develop nuclear energy and the need to stem proliferation of nuclear weapons in accordance with NPT. While we are approaching the second (year) anniversary of the Implementation Day, Ukraine welcomes the fact that, according to the IAEA reports, Iran’s nuclear program remains peaceful. Moreover, Teheran’s constant compliance with transparency measures, contained in the Plan, significantly fosters the sustainable implementation of this historic deal.
At the same time, we also acknowledge that after two years of the Plan’s existence, different interpretations regarding applicability of resolution 2231 to the Iranian ballistic missile activity are still on their high.
Referring further to the fourth report of the Secretary-General on implementation of the resolution, Ukraine is concerned about the incidents of noncompliance with restrictions on arms-related transfers as well as the asset freeze and travel ban provisions, stipulated by Annex B to resolution 2231.
Taking into account the risks posed by the current tensions, Ukraine fully supports the intention of the Secretary-General to continue examining all cases of concerns and to obtain additional information in substance. Formalistic responses from Member States involved regarding the confirmed cases of non-observance only lead to further trade of accusation and undermine the future of JCPOA.
As to the alleged cases of arms and missiles transfers from Iran to the conflict zones, we consider the proposal of Secretary General to hold a joint meeting of the Committee 2140 and the Security Council in the “2231 format” as a useful and timely initiative that could shed the light on this worrying but sensitive issue.
In addition, we find it essential to further raise public awareness on JCPOA and resolution 2231 thus contributing to their comprehensive understanding and diligent implementation.
Mr. President,
Having stressed the imperative of full compliance with relevant obligations, I’d like to reemphasize the importance for all concerned parties to interact constructively to resolve all outstanding issues for the sake of the mentioned overarching nuclear agreement. Preserving JCPOA as a major achievement in nuclear non-proliferation and diplomacy is a crucial contribution to regional and global security and stability. It is even more important at the time when the preparatory process for the 2020 NPT Review Conference has already commenced.
In conclusion, let me express my sincere gratitude to Ambassador Cardi as 2231 Facilitator and all of his team for concerted and devoted efforts in ensuring proper implementation of resolution during 2017. Your outstanding dedication and commitment earn wide respect and recognition.
I thank you.