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Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the Security Council briefing on “Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507)”
Despite the fact that August is usually a rather slow month, this year it was quite packed. The UN Security Council had some important discussions and adopted a number of really landmark decisions.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the informal plenary meeting of the General Assembly to mark the observance of International Day against Nuclear Tests
Full compliance with existing international obligations by all states is the main precondition of achieving the world free of nuclear weapons.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC open debate on UN peacekeeping operations and sustaining peace
UN peace operations as have proved to be a highly adaptive instrument contributing much to resolution of numerous conflicts

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on the DRC sanctions
The killings of two members of the UN Group of Experts in the DRC must not remain unanswered.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UN Security Council briefing on Kosovo
Belgrade and in Pristina to show responsibility and to re-engage in a constructive dialogue to achieve progress.

Statement by Chargé d’affaires of Ukraine to the United Nations YURI VITRENKO at the Roundtable on the Human Rights in the Occupied Regions of Georgia

Remarks by the delegation of Ukraine at the adoption of the UNSC resolution 2371 on non-proliferation/DPRK

Statement by Yuriy Vitrenko, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, at the UN Security Council briefing on UN sanctions
Sanctions can work – when they are designed and implemented well and when they enjoy the support of Member States on and outside the Security Council.

UN Security Council adopted the resolution 2370 on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons
UN Security Council adopted the resolution 2370 (2017) on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons to address the persistent threat of production, storage, transfer, obtaining or use of weapons by terrorist groups.