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Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UN Security Council briefing on Kosovo
Ukraine welcomes the role of the European Union in diffusing tensions and commends the resumption of high-level meetings between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UN Security Council Briefing by the Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE
As recognized at the OSCE, the ongoing aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and its severe consequences remain among the top threats to European security.

Statement by Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin at the UNSC Ministerial open debate on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Conflicts in Europe”
The Ukrainian presidency has introduced this open debate to address the fundamental challenge for Europe. Our world has become dangerously insecure and this trend is developing.

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin to chair the United Nations Security Council open debate on conflicts in Europe
The debate has been called by Ukraine as a key theme of its Presidency in the Security Council for the month of February 2017.

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the Kremlin's Decree on recognition of so-called documents issued on the territories of certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions
Ukraine strongly condemns and doesn't recognize the Kremlin's Decree on recognition of so-called documents issued on the territories of certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.

Statement by His Excellency Volodymyr Yelchenko Chair, Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic
There have been a number of positive developments in the CAR, including progress in disarmament and demobilization and security sector reform, the improvement in the security situation in Bangui, and the successful Brussels conference in November.

Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, H.E. Mr. Pavlo Klimkin, at the UNSC Open Debate on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks
The UN Security Council adopted resolution 2341 strengthening protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks tabled by Ukraine.

Statement by Volodymyr Yelchenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, at the UN Security Council briefing on the situation in Ukraine
Ukraine continues to be fully committed to implementing the Minsk agreements in their entirety.