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Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC meeting on destruction and trafficking in cultural heritage by terrorist groups and in situations of armed conflicts
By adopting resolution 2347 the UN Security Council has drawn the attention of the international community to a growing problem of destruction of cultural heritage and trafficking in antiquities, which became a feature of numerous armed conflicts worldwide.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on nonproliferation/DPRK
Ukraine resolutely condemns the launch by North Korea of a new intercontinental ballistic missile capable to carry nuclear payload.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC briefing on threats to international peace and security posed by foreign terrorist fighters
Over the past years, Ukraine has also acquired bitter experience of countering terrorist threat that has been fueled by external support for terrorist groups and organizations in the east of the country.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Libya
News reports about African migrants being sold as slaves in Libya cannot be left without response from the international community and the Security Council in particular.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the Security Council Open Debate on Trafficking of Persons in Conflict Situations
Cases of trafficking in persons in the occupied territory of Ukraine remain largely unaddressed due to the lack of safe access and proper attention of the international monitoring missions.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC session on chemical attacks in Syria
I can hardly find words to express my frustration over the result of the vote. We didn’t have any illusions about it, but a little bit of hope remained. It vanished very quickly.

Explanation of vote after voting US draft resolution on Syria
It’s not the issue of different approaches on the subject. It is an issue of a single minded pursuit to destroy an international system built around respect for norms and principles of international law.

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the Security Council Briefing on Libya ICC
Full cooperation with the ICC by all States Parties, as well as non-States Parties, including members of #UNSC, is of outmost importance for successful fulfillment of the Court’s mandate.

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the GA meeting on equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the UN Security Council
As a current Chair of the Eastern European Group, Ukraine is of the view that an addition of one more non-permanent seat in an expanded UNSC for the EEG should be considered as one of commonalities on regional representation

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the UNSC session on chemical attacks in Syria
Manipulation, discreditation, creation of obstacles - set of methods Russia is using to defend perpetrators of chemical attacks in Syria.