


Statement of the Delegation of Ukraine at the UN General Assembly meeting under a.i. 63 entitled “Use of the veto” delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Khrystyna Hayovyshyn

Statement of the Delegation of Ukraine at the UN General Assembly meeting under a.i. 63 entitled “Use of the veto” delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Khrystyna Hayovyshyn

Statement of the Delegation of Ukraine at the UN General Assembly meeting under a.i. 63 entitled “Use of the veto” delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Khrystyna Hayovyshyn on 11 April 2024

Statement by Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Ukraine at the UN Sergíy Kyslytsya at the Security Council meeting on “Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine”

Statement by Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Ukraine at the UN Sergíy Kyslytsya at the Security Council meeting on “Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine”

Statement by Permanent Representative of Ukraine at the UN Sergíy Kyslytsya delivered at the Security Council meeting on “Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine” on 11 April 2024

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the AHWG on GA Revitalization, Thematic debate on the role and authority of the General Assembly

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the AHWG on GA Revitalization, Thematic debate on the role and authority of the General Assembly

delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Khrystyna Hayovyshyn on 28 March 2024

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the Informal meeting of the General Assembly plenary on Human Security

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the Informal meeting of the General Assembly plenary on Human Security

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the Informal meeting of the General Assembly plenary on Human Security delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Khrystyna Hayovyshyn (2 April 2024)

Joint Press Stakeout  in Response to the Russian Federation’s Organization of Presidential Elections in the Temporarily Occupied Territories  of Ukraine

Joint Press Stakeout in Response to the Russian Federation’s Organization of Presidential Elections in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

Delivered by Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya (15 March 2024, New York)

Wartime Diplomacy in times of full-scale Russian aggression

Wartime Diplomacy in times of full-scale Russian aggression

Joint statement of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization

20 February 2024 Delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine Ms. Khrystyna Hayovyshyn

Виступ Заступниці Постійного Представника України Христини Гайовишин на відкритих дебатах Ради Безпеки ООН

Виступ Заступниці Постійного Представника України Христини Гайовишин на відкритих дебатах Ради Безпеки ООН

Виступ Заступниці Постійного Представника України Христини Гайовишин на відкритих дебатах Ради Безпеки ООН на тему: «Вплив зміни клімату та відсутності продовольчої безпеки на підтримання міжнародного миру та безпеки» (13 лютого 2024 року)

Участь делегації України у закритому брифінгу РБ ООН щодо ситуації на ЗАЕС

Участь делегації України у закритому брифінгу РБ ООН щодо ситуації на ЗАЕС

Участь делегації України у закритому брифінгу РБ ООН щодо ситуації на ЗАЕС (25 січня 2024 року, м.Нью-Йорк)

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