Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the Informal meeting of the General Assembly plenary on Human Security

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the Informal meeting of the General Assembly plenary on Human Security

Mr. President,
We express our gratitude for convening this meeting to discuss the important issue of human security. Thank you to all panelists for their comprehensive presentations.
Ukraine has joined the relevant Group of Friends, ably led by Japan, Costa Rica and Senegal. We have been supportive of developing the notion of human security, laid down in the 2005 World Summit Outcome landmark document and further developed in the Follow-up to its paragraph 143 on human security, enshrined in the UNGA Resolution 66/290.
We deem it particularly important that the concept of human security clearly stipulates that it must be implemented with full respect for the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter, including full respect for the sovereignty of States and territorial integrity. It is of utmost relevance today, against the backdrop of flagrant violations of the above principles and the war of aggression.
Therefore, aspirations for freedom and dignity – the centerpieces of the human security concept – particularly resonate the current situation on the ground in Ukraine. The strive for defending our right to live in dignity and to enjoy freedom from fear and freedom from want is in the core of our resilience.
It is important, in particular for the purposes of implementing 2030 Agenda, to broadly address the interlinkages between peace, development and human rights in our activities to promote human security.
It is of equal importance to instrumentalize the human security concept in our efforts to address critical challenges and current gaps in global governance and implementation of existing commitments, which are in the focus of our preparation to the Summit of the Future.
We therefore consider that the concept of human security should be included in the Pact for the Future, given its cross-cutting nature.
Ukraine remains committed to achieving the SGDs despite the threats and challenges, stemming from the ongoing war of aggression. It is already clear that the impact of the war on human security and development nexus has been detrimental.
We welcome the recent Report of the Secretary-General on Human Security, providing an update on developments related to the advancement of human security over the past 10 years. In particular, the Report acknowledges that war and conflict have halted the steady progress in poverty reduction. Food and water crisis have also been exacerbated.
Ukraine has persistently advocated that Increased vulnerabilities worldwide, food insecurity, poverty and less resources that we are able to allocate for global threats like climate change, should serve as a trigger for our efforts to ensure a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.
As soon as such peace is established, the efficacy of our efforts aimed at implementing Sustainable Development Goals, will grow significantly.
Thank you.