Виступ делегації України з пункту порядку денного "Покращення становища жінок" Третього комітету ГА ООН

Mr. Chair,
The Delegation of Ukraine aligns itself with the Statement made by the European Union in the course of the present debate. Now we take the floor in national capacity.
Ukraine’s commitment to gender equality and advancement of women remains strong and unalterable. Despite that we concentrate all our strengths on fighting the ongoing Russian aggression, we do simultaneously proceed with recovery of our country being confident that sooner than later Ukraine will retake all temporarily occupied territories back and return its people home. Expanding gender equality and bolstering women empowerment in all spheres remains an integral part of the recovery process.
Ukraine managed to achieve significant progress on gender equality despite Russia’s war of aggression.
The Government of Ukraine signed a Framework of Cooperation with the United Nations outlining joint actions in the prevention and responses to conflict-related sexual violence – to combat trafficking, offer holistic services and to work towards justice and accountability. The plan was adopted and presented at a side event at the 77th UNGA during the high-level week.
We highly appreciate the efforts of Secretary-General Special Representative on CRSV Ms. Pramila Patten to mobilize resources for its effective implementation.
Alongside these initiatives, a coalition of representatives of Ukraine’s civil society and all relevant executive government bodies, with the support and assistance of UN-Women, continue to elaborate Ukraine’s national strategy for gender equality and to apply the principles of gender mainstreaming across all plans for the post-war reconstruction.
In October Ukraine will be reporting to CEDAW, in confirmation of our firm commitment to the international standards. Our country stands firmly by our voluntary obligation to promote the SDGs, to ensure the promises of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Ukraine will continue its active engagement in the Generation Equality Action Coalitions, the Biarritz Partnership for Gender Equality and the Equal Pay International Coalition.
Important focus was made on implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and subsequent supporting resolutions. Ukraine conducted an emergency review of its second National Action Plan for Women Peace and Security to year 2025. The plan was updated in order to specifically address protection of new categories of Ukrainian citizens who became vulnerable during the Russian aggression.
Over past 5 years number of women in Ukrainian diplomacy has doubled – from 7.25% in 2017 to 13.7% in 2022. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has developed an organizational plan of work – prevention of, response to, and action against sexual violence in the workplace including in the diplomatic sphere.
Another eloquent case is growing numbers of women who decided to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 16% of all service members are ladies, constituting 10% of those who fight at the frontlines right now.
Empowerment of women and girls is however not about quotas and numbers. It is about equal rights and real opportunities, decent work conditions in all fields.
Ukraine strongly believes that advancement of women is crucial to peaceful and secure world that the UN members have subscribed to. It is with this aim that Ukraine undertakes concrete practical steps in this direction. In July 2022 our country became the 36th State to ratify the Istanbul Convention that will enter into force on 1 November already this year. We consider this a very important step for Ukraine as we join others in struggle to guarantee that no society will harbor any sort of justification for violence against women, sexual violence against anyone, or aggression against sovereign neighbors.
Mr. Chair,
There can be no substantial global progress on any important matter unless the international community resolutely fights the war of aggression. The blatant violation of the UN Charter by the Russian Federation. The most severe threat to international peace and security which endangers everything we have achieved as United Nations.
People are forcibly deported to the territory of the Russian Federation; people being subjected to the so called “filtration camps” in which families are separated. Children are kidnapped and transferred to the Russian Federation for illegal adoption. People became victims of sexual violence by the Russian soldiers. People being tortured, injured, killed.
Unless we resolutely stop and punish aggressor we risk to be stuck in process and never achieve the goal of equality, rights and empowerment.
Thank you.