Виступ делегації України під час розгляду пункту порядку денного "Заходи з ліквідації міжнародного тероризму" Шостого комітету ГА ООН

Mr. Chairman,
I would like to join the previous speakers in congratulating you on the assumption of this position and wish every success in your work. Ukraine aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union. Ukraine has always been among those who actively supported international efforts aimed at eradication of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
Terrorism remains one of the major contemporary challenges to international peace and security, threatening core values and principles of our societies, including human rights, the rule of law, democracy, equal opportunities and freedom. It is becoming more sophisticated and multifaceted in its nature.
Throughout the decades the international community has been exposed to the constantly evolving terrorism threat. ISIL/Da’esh, Al-Qaida, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab and other groups have grown from being regional menace to global threats to international peace and security.
Regrettably, up to date, unceasing terrorist attacks in different parts of the world are still causing huge number of deaths and casualties, increase number of displaced people, wreak havoc and fear in our societies. We are affected by more sophisticated and circumvented methods and tactics by terrorists, their mentors and sponsors are becoming crueler and more ambitious. Ukraine recognizes the role of the UN in the global efforts to suppress international terrorism and to promote international cooperation in this field. Setting of international norms through the adoption of international legal instruments should remain priority of the United Nations’ efforts in consolidating the international community in combating terrorism.
During the past decades a number of important achievements were made with a view to advance new counter-terrorism standards as well as to further amplify international response to both existing and emerging terrorist threats. The momentum was taken to focus additionally and to introduce more specific and focused approach in the areas of combating financing of terrorism, depriving terrorists of weapons supplies, preventing violent extremism etcю
The UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy (GCTS) remains a milestone framework for the Member States to follow in countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism, including its emerging manifestations.
Ukraine welcomes the consensus adoption of UN General Assembly resolution on the Seventh Review of the GCTS, which, inter alia, reconfirms respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, focuses on tackling the root causes and conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism as well as strengthening states’ capacity to counter this phenomenon.
Ukraine remains fully committed to fighting against terrorism and violent extremism. In this regard, we are proud to be among contributors in advancing the fight against terrorism. On our initiative the Council adopted resolution 2341 (2017), the first ever resolution on protection of critical infrastructure from terrorist attacks.
Mr. Chairman,
Unfortunately, some countries have integrated terrorism into their state policy that consequently has already led to flagrant violations of international law.
Ukraine knows too well how evil terrorism can be. Russian armed aggression against Ukraine launched 8 years ago by temporary occupation of Crimea and certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, has led to multiple terrorist acts. Even then, the Russian Federation, using terrorism as one of the tools of its hybrid aggression against Ukraine, violated most of fundamental obligations under related international conventions and SC resolutions on counter terrorismю
In particular, it concerns obligations to refrain from providing any form of support to terrorists; to eliminate the supply of weapons to terrorists; to suppress recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters and their movement; to prohibit terrorist incitement. One of the first acts of terrorism by the Russian Federation in Ukraine occurred back in July 2014, when pro-Russian militants shot down the Malaysian airliner MH 17. 298 passengers and crew died. But unfortunately, this was not enough to recognize this act as "state terrorism".
For more than seven months already, a full-scale war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on 24 February, continues at the very heart of Europe. Shelling and bombing by the Russian forces continue to destroy Ukrainian towns and cities causing suffering and deaths of civilians, including women and children.
With its full-scaled invasion, Russia has brought the horror of terrorism to the entire territory of Ukraine. It commits terrorist activities in Ukraine on a regular basis. Russia's war crimes do not stop. The terrorist state has already used more than 3,800 different missiles against us. Since the beginning of the full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, the main targets of artillery and missile attacks by the occupying forces have mainly been civilian infrastructure objects throughout the countryю
Against the background of successful counteroffensive actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south and east of Ukraine during August-September of this year, the Russian Federation resorted to the tactic of targeting regular massive missile and artillery strikes against the objects of the critical civil infrastructure of our countryю
The situation around the Zaporizhzhia NPP also remains critical, which has developed as a result of constant shelling by Russian troops of the territory of the nuclear facility, illegal interference in the technological process and other illegal actions, which threatens to turn into a real man-made nuclear disaster of the world level.
The fact that such barbaric methods of waging war are used by the Russian Federation against the background of constant calls by leading Russian politicians, experts and the media for the total destruction of all life support facilities in Ukraine is of particular concern.
The aforementioned actions of the aggressor state against the civilian population of Ukraine, as well as objects of critical infrastructure in Ukraine, should be considered as acts of state terrorism. Therefore, the world must finally officially recognize that Russia has become a terrorist state.
I thank you.