Виступ делегації України на відкритих дебатах РБ ООН щодо посилення відповідальності за порушення міжнародного права

Mr. President, distinguished members of the Security Council,
I also recognize the representative of Putin’s regime in the permanent seat of the Soviet Union.
Ukraine aligns itself with statements made by the EU and by the Republic of the Marshall Islands on behalf of the Group of Friends of Accountability following the Aggression against Ukraine.
I would like to thank Albania for organizing this important debate as well as all briefers for their presentations.
I would also like to express to Brazil our sincere condolences over the passing of Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade.
Almost 100 days ago, while we were sitting in this chamber at the emergency Security Council meeting, first bombs and rockets hit peaceful Ukrainian cities and russian soldiers crossed the Ukrainian borders.
Crossed to kill, to torture, to destroy, to plunder. In strict accordance with instructions received from their commanders.
Mariupol and Bucha, the names of the cities known throughout the world as synonyms to russian barbarism. Just two in the list of dozens.
1200 bodies of murdered civilians were recovered following the russian retreat in the Kyiv region only. The number of civilian casualties in Mariupol can be calculated only after the de-occupation of the city. It is however clear that dozens of thousands were killed.
Around 200-300 war crimes are committed now in Ukraine every day with their general amount since the beginning of the invasion exceeding 15 thousand.
Ukraine encourages all partners to join our efforts to ensure justice within the framework of the Joint Investigative Team for russia's war crimes, where Eurojust and ICC Office of the Prosecutor also participate.
Distinguished colleagues,
Investigative mechanisms are working. This week two more russian servicemen, artillerists Ivanov and Bobikin were sentenced for shelling of civilian infrastructure in Kharkiv region.
Regrettably, such acts of war crimes by russia take place on a daily basis. Two days ago, French journalist Frederic Leclerc-Imhoff was killed as a result of the shelling of the city of Lysychansk by russian troops. Ukraine has already initiated investigation on the matter.
Ukrainian children remain among the most vulnerable to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Our investigative bodies have already registered 1042 criminal proceedings concerning invasion-related crimes, committed against children. As of now, at least 261 children were killed, 460 were wounded and 145 were missing. We have already identified 11 russian servicemen suspected of child abuse. Ukraine will continue to work to bring them as well as other responsible for war crimes to justice.
We will also persist in struggling for safe and rapid return of over 230 thousand Ukrainian children forcibly deported to Russia.
Mr. President,
On 26 February Ukraine launched a case against russia on allegation of genocide in the ICJ. On 16 March, the ICJ ordered russia to immediately cease its so-called “special operation” against Ukraine. We are grateful to the ICJ President, who has reminded this morning of the legally binding nature of this order.
Ukraine has also been supportive of the idea to create a Special Criminal Tribunal for the Punishment of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine.
Such a Tribunal for Putin, Shoygu, Gerasimov, Lavrov and other russian war criminals will be the final accord of the war.
After 100 days of courageous resistance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the entire Ukrainian nation it is clear that this unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression will end with russia’s defeat.
Defeat that will be a victory for the entire civilized world, for humanity and justice.
What we all need now is maintaining resolve to bring this victory closer.
I thank you.