Виступ делегації України на засіданні Четвертого комітету ГА ООН щодо діяльності операцій ООН з підтримання миру

Mr. Chairman,
Ukraine strongly believes that there is a need for collective efforts in order to make UN peacekeeping operations more efficient and better adapted to the cotemporary challenges to international peace and security. Unfortunately, on the eve of 75th anniversary of the United Nations the world remains a place corroded by a scourge of conflicts, including interstate armed conflicts in the heart of Europe. Yes, even in Europe we witness wars and aggression, our Organization was tasked to curb after the World War II.
Here I would like to remind that the foreign military aggression against Ukraine and temporary occupation of parts of its territory still persist, leading to the suffering of the people of Ukraine and undermining regional and international peace and security.
Yet, I wish to emphasize that today the United Nations is still the only global organization that has unique capabilities and potential to take effective measures to prevent and stop conflicts.
That is why Ukraine continues its active participation in the UN operations, despite the need – and, in fact, the imperative – to repel the external armed aggression against it in the first place.
That is why Ukraine does not abandon its hopes that at a pivotal moment this Organization will not remain aloof and will demonstrate its ability to take practical steps even in a situation where one of the permanent members of the Security Council is a party to the conflict.
Mr. Chairman,
We believe that PKOs are uniquely placed to provide adequate conditions on the ground for advancing a respective peace process. PKOs could and should ensure also security and safety of civilians and be instrumental in stopping illegal inflows of weapons and mercenaries.
At the same time, despite some recent success stories of the PKOs mandates fulfillment (and in some of them Ukraine is proud to be a part of), UN peacekeeping potential still has not been fully utilized and requires further comprehensive efforts in its full realization. Therefore, my country adheres to a position on the need to continue the decisive reform of the respective UN sector. We faithfully support the relevant steps of the Secretary-General and hope that an already approved ambitious road map in the form of the Action for Peacekeeping Declaration will continue to be filled with tangible practical results.
The Secretary-General’s A4P initiative aimed at strengthening the bond among all peacekeeping stakeholders is exactly what our Organization requires in order to make this instrument more effective and reliable.
First of all, it concerns strategic force generation, including aviation units, as well as the development of intelligence operations capacity and reduction of the operations footprint on environment. It is obvious that every peacekeeping operation relies on an appropriate force generation to be able to deliver on its mandate devised by the Security Council.
In line with the spirit of our joint Declaration, we see a vital role for the Secretary-General in carrying out his responsibilities in accordance with Article 99 of the UN Charter. The Council should receive timely, frank and substantive Secretary-General’s assessments, initiatives and options for UN peacekeeping presence in conflict-prone or conflict-affected countries and regions.
There is also a need to develop further the triangular dialogue among the Security Council, TCCs/PCCs and the Secretariat, first of all by enhancing formal and informal consultations during establishment or renewal of PKOs’ mandates. In this respect, the Working Group of the Security Council on Peacekeeping Operations could continue serving a platform for triangular consultations format for most pressing issues of PKOs activities.
In closing, let me underline that Ukraine will remain a reliable partner in our common peacekeeping endeavor.