Виступ делегації України під час тематичних дебатів високого рівня ГА ООН на тему “Права людини у центрі світового порядку денного”

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the High-Level Thematic Debate of the United Nations General Assembly “Human rights at the centre of the global agenda”
Mr. President,
Distinguished delegates,
First of all, I would like to praise a timely initiative of the President of the General Assembly H. E. Mogens Lykketoft to convene this event and welcome his overall efforts to foster “A new Commitment to Action”.
Today I am proud to speak on behalf of one of the UN founding member-states. The State, which back in 1945 took an active part in the San Francisco conference, contributed to the establishment of the Organization and laid down the foundations for its activities.
The State, which added a lot in San Francisco to shape the heart of the UN Charter — its Purposes and Principles.
Over the United Nations history, we have been investing considerable joint efforts into promoting human rights and freedoms as fundamental principles of the UN activity.
The 50th anniversary since the adoption of the foundational international human rights covenants and their historic role should remind us of the responsibility we have towards future generations.
Mr. President,
Ukraine is strongly committed to promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms, which laid the foundation for a large-scale reform program launched in Ukraine in 2014. We have already made bold steps on this path, including the law-enforcement and anti-corruption reform, beginning of decentralization, de-regulation and securing of free access to public information.
For the first time in 25 years of its independence, Ukraine adopted a National Human Rights Strategy and corresponding Action Plan. The Strategy and relevant Action Plan, aimed at improving the legal and institutional framework for national human rights policy, have been elaborated by the Government of Ukraine in line with the European Union’s Human Rights Strategy in close cooperation with civil society and international organizations, including Council of Europe and the United Nations.
It worth to be mentioned that implementation of this Strategy have been positively highlighted in the last Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, released on 3 June 2016 by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Mr. President,
Yet, the world is again to a dangerous extent rocked with violent conflicts, extremism and instability. One of its principal designated guardians puts universal values of the United Nations Charter into question. Geopolitical ambitions are listed above principles and norms of the international law and even above human lives.
For over 2 years already, my country is a target of Russia’s armed aggression. The conservative account of this aggression is about 10,000 Ukrainians killed, over 20,000 wounded, and roughly 1,8 million internally displaced.
Russian aggression exposed the problem of securing the human rights in the Crimea and certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Leading international human rights organizations are alerting about the radical deterioration of the human rights situation, which directly applies to Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in the occupied Crimea.
I would like to highlight that it is our joint obligation to restore respect for the international law and ensure efficiency of international instruments so that conflicts be peacefully settled and their perpetrators be brought to justice.
Ukraine is absolutely convinced that ensuring and promotion of human rights playing key role in prevention of international conflicts. In that regard the role of the United Nations and in particular, its leadership is essential.
Mr. President,
In conclusion I would like to remind you what the President of Ukraine H. E. Petro Poroshenko said during recent Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, I quote: “Freedom, democracy, free speech, basic human rights — these are the invaluable assets, not commodities. And because they are under threat today — conviction and political leadership are more needed now than at any point in the newest history. What you fight for — is what you are. So, let’s stand our ground! Let’s stick to freedom and human rights! Let’s stand tall in the face of those who challenge our values — and not make deals with them”.
I thank you.