Press center

Statement by Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsya at the UN Security Council Open Debate on peace and security through preventive diplomacy

Statement of the Delegation of Ukraine in the United Nations General Assembly on the report of the Human Rights Council (item 69)

Statement of Ms. Oksana Zolotaryova, Director General for International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, at the UN GA plenary meeting on the Report of the International Court of Justice

Statement by the Delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA First Committee Thematic Debate on clusters I-IV (nuclear weapons, other WMD, outer space, conventional arms)

Remarks by the representative of the Ukrainian delegation during the interactive dialogue with the Director of the New York Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mr. Craig Mokhiber

Statement of the Delegation of Ukraine at the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Rule of Law at national and international levels (agenda item 86)

Statement of the delegation of Ukraine at the UNGA Third Committee Interactive dialogue under agenda item 71 «Rights of indigenous peoples»