Statement by the delegation of Ukraine in the UNSC briefing on non-proliferation

Statement by the delegation of Ukraine in the UNSC briefing on non-proliferation
(18 July 2016)
Mr. President,
I thank the UN Secretary Generaland Ambassador of Spain in his capacity as the Facilitator for implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2231 for providing comprehensive and substantial reports, which contribute to raising general awareness on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the resolution itself, clearly explain key tasks and interactions within new mechanism and structures established according to the resolution, as well as give a detailed presentation of the work conducted in this area during the last six months.
We highly commend the dedicated efforts of the UN Secretariat, IAEA as well as the Facilitator’s team, aimed at full and proper implementation of the JCPOA and UNSC resolution 2231, which inaugurated a new stage not only in Iranian nuclear issue but also in the non-proliferation regime in general.
But before going directly to the subject of today’s meeting, let me note that yesterday — July 17 — marked the second anniversary of the MH 17 downing in the Donetsk oblast, Ukraine. We restate our deep sympathy and condolences to the families of victims and to all grieving nations. Let me recall the demand of this Council “that those responsible for this incident be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability”. A more detailed press statement was distributed yesterday by the missions of the Joint Investigation Team participating states.
Mr. President,
As a country that demonstrated a proactive approach and set an example for others to follow by abandoning its nuclear capability and acceding to the Non-proliferation Treaty, Ukraine remains a strong advocate of the NPT and emphasizes the need for all States Parties to this instrument to comply fully with their relevant obligations.
Recalling the right of States Parties, in conformity with Articles I and II of the NPT, to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination, Ukraine highly commends a comprehensive, long term and proper solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, culminating in the JCPOA. Up until now we have witnessed positive developments in the realization of this crucial document. Ukraine welcomes the IAEA reports, which prove Iran’s intention to use nuclear materiel and technologies exclusively for peaceful purposes.
At the same time, while recognizing the inalienable right of every state to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, we share the concerns over the launches of the ballistic missiles, designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, mentioned in the reports, as well as the incidents with seizure of conventional arms, which were likely bound for conflict zones, without the necessary authorization of the Council. These particular cases go contrary to the provisions of resolution 2231.
Ukraine proceeds from the importance of diligent implementation of both the JCPOA and the resolution. It is essential that all states, which are engaged in the process, interact constructively to resolve outstanding issues for the sake of “hard-won non-proliferation deal”, the proper implementation of which will be a key contribution to regional and global security and stability. In this regard, we call on all parties to ensure that the concerns raised in the reports of the Secretary General and Facilitator, do not lay a ground for further disputes but rather be duly considered and resolved through negotiations.
Proceeding from the above and taking into account the current tense situation in the region, we also stress the importance of refraining from aggressive and warlike rhetoric, for the sake of the progress achieved on this track.
To conclude my remarks I wish to reiterate the importance of a united Council’s stance while dealing with this sensitive issue and its intention to ensure further implementation of the resolution 2231.
I thank you.