Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, as Chairman of the UN Security Council Committee, visits the Central African Republic

May 24–27: Chairman of the Committee of the UN Security Council and Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, visits the Central African Republic (CAR). The Committee is responsible for monitoring CAR’s compliance to the sanctions implemented by the UN Security Council in response to the political instability and armed confrontation in the country in recent years.
The framework of the visit included Ambassador Yelchenko meeting with the President and Prime Minister of CAR, as well as other members of the government — ministers of foreign affairs, defense, justice, finance, and mines. The meetings included an exchange of views related to the state of compliance of CAR’s sanction regime and ways to augment its effectiveness.
Additionally, the Ambassador of Ukraine met with representatives of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and other UN institutions stationed in CAR, well as the heads of accredited diplomatic missions of foreign states in CAR and the leaders of chief NGOs.
He also visited the city of Bambari in the center of the country, where camps of refugees and internally displaced persons are located.
The visit of Mr. Yelchenko to CAR occurred in the context of Ukraine’s effort as head of the UNSC Committee to enhance the contribution of the Security Council in promoting the stabilization of the situation in the country.