Live Free Art exhibition of Ukrainian talented artist Olha Bosak at the UN on October 11–21, 2016

The Permanent mission of Ukraine will host an art exhibition of Ukrainian talented artist, successful entrepreneur, enthusiastic civil activist Olha Bosak from October 11–21, 2016.
Olha Bosak first launched her Live Free Art Exhibition, inspired by the spirit of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, in Kyiv early this year. Now she is launching this public diplomacy project internationally. The idea of the project is to promote an image of the new Ukraine to the community of UN diplomats, as well as to visitors to the UN General Assembly building. The goal of this project is to further demonstrate to the global community the importance of the Revolution of Dignity for Ukraine, and how this massive public action in the winter of 2013–2014 continues to shape and inform public opinion in Ukraine, including the desire to live free as an independent nation and society.
In this time of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, Olha Bosak reveals in her artwork the great desire of many Ukrainians to live free. Many persons in Ukraine have received threats, many others have been sent to Russian jail. Despite the danger arising from the war, most Ukrainians continue to support the security and defence of Ukraine. Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine gave rise to a large volunteer movement, which provides crucial support to the Ukrainian army fighting in the East of Ukraine. This scope of the voluntary effort supporting the Ukrainian military is unprecedented globally. It demonstrates the power a united society can have.
As to herself, she is also a volunteer. At the very beginning of the establishment of the Ukrainian Freedom Fund in April 2014, she was threatened by an anonymous phone call. The caller threatened to shoot her. Olha says: “In my canvases I tried to reflect our ideals, experiences and achievements. Our freedom was acquired at a painfully high price. Many lives were lost; many lives are still to be lost in this struggle for dignity and freedom. Many times we felt, — one and all together — what it means to live life hanging over a cliff; in the most difficult moments, we were simply looking for a foothold. We were waiting for those who lead and who could unearth our solidarity and join our struggle for European values.”
Olha expresses her appreciations to the partner-countries of Ukraine, all those who have been with Ukrainians and who remain side by side with them in the most difficult periods. She states: “Events that have occurred since the beginning of the XXI century in Ukraine tend to prove that there is a big need for the involvement of the global community in the resolution of conflicts and preventing aggression. While each country in the world needs to focus on its own problems, the world community must stand up to aggression to prevent the spread of global instability.”
Olha Bosak will be delivering a public talk about current developments in Ukraine at the opening reception at the United Nations General Assembly Building.
Opening ceremony: October 11, 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm
Venue: United Nations Headquarters (405 E 42 nd St, 1 st Avenue, 1B Neck near Vienna Café)