Виступ делегації України на урочистій церемонії підписання Паризької угоди про боротьбу зі зміною клімату
![Виступ делегації України на урочистій церемонії підписання Паризької угоди про боротьбу зі зміною клімату](/pub/news/0f90f08b649ad311.jpg)
Statement by the delegation of Ukraine at the Signature Ceremony for the Paris Agreement
(22 April 2016)
Mr. Chairperson,
Dear colleagues,
Today we live in the world that faces numerous threats of the global nature. Climate change represents one of the most critical environmental and socio-economic issues that hinder the progress of modern civilization.
Ukraine is a country that has shown that people can change the world when they stand together for a better future.
Apart from climate change, there are still major challenges to the environment and achievement of sustainable development goals that we need to tackle. The Russian military invasion in Eastern Ukraine had affected negatively natural resources and biodiversity through habitat destruction and fragmentation, increased pollution of land and water.
Despite all challenges we are facing, Ukraine remains firmly committed to its international obligations.
We are proud that today Ukraine has joined other members of the international community in signing the Paris Agreement and committed itself to driving the change towards a better and safer future.
We do believe that the Paris agreement will be an effective mechanism against the rise in global temperatures, preventing catastrophic consequences in the future.
Dear colleagues,
As a Party to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Ukraine supports the idea that the implementation of the new agreement should include clear and specific requirements and procedures for accountability applicable to all parties at the national and international levels.
We believe that the spirit of cooperation among countries will only get stronger in the coming years and all together we will be able to protect the planet for our children and future generations.
I thank you.