Виступ делегації України на щорічній сесії 2021 року Виконавчої ради ПРООН/ЮНФПА/ЮНОПС щодо діяльності Фонду ООН у галузі народонаселення
![Виступ делегації України на щорічній сесії 2021 року Виконавчої ради ПРООН/ЮНФПА/ЮНОПС щодо діяльності Фонду ООН у галузі народонаселення](/pub/news/5b978cc8e4e72231.jpg)
Madam President,
I want to thank Director Dr. Kanem for updated information on UNFPA activities.
I would like to stress the importance of approving a new Strategic Plan. Ukraine welcomes its draft presented by UNFPA. It is a solid basis for further consultations.
We believe that the ultimate goal of "Leaving No One Behind" requires innovative approaches that challenge prevailing stereotypes, some of them - such as ageism and sexism are aggravated by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We are pleased to see in the draft the new output on population changes and data intending to take into account megatrends such as ageing and low fertility.
Ukraine welcomes the attention paid to communications and the new strategy to position the UNFPA brand. The citizens of our countries have the right to and should receive more information about the activities of the agency.
We commend UNFPA's work on gender and social norms which contributed to Ukraine's progress in advancing gender equality and women's decision-making. The Government works hard to push for the ratification of the Istanbul convention.
We appreciate assistance provided to Ukraine for setting up an effective, functional system to respond to Gender-Based Violence, as well as to debunk negative gender stereotypes. We value the UNFPA’s work with young Ukrainians to foster their resilience, participation, and engagement in all spheres of life.
In conclusion, I would like to thank UNFPA for its activities in the humanitarian field, the area that is so directly relevant to life of citizens affected by today’s multiple challenges.
Thank you for your attention.