Ю.Вітренко – Росія повністю ігнорує заклики міжнародної спільноти встановити ефективний контроль над кордоном з Україною.

Mr. Chairman,
I would like to start by congratulating you on your appointment as President of the Third Review Conference of the Programme of Action.
While aligning with the statement of the European Union delivered earlier, my delegation would like to make some additional remarks in its national capacity.
Ukraine continues considering the UN Programme of Action as an important and universal tool to combat threats posed by illicit trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons. We support proper implementation of this document and the International Tracing Instrument by all States.
On its part, Ukraine is committed to duly fulfilling the PoA. In particular, the production, possession and destruction of SALW in my country are licensed and supervised processes in accordance with a number of national regulations. We attach particular importance to ensuring effective export control procedures that meet all standing international requirements. In this sphere Ukraine strictly adheres to the decisions taken by the UN Security Council, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the international export control regime Wassenaar Arrangement.
Security Council resolutions which impose sanctions regimes serve as guidelines for the adoption of relevant legislation and regulations in Ukraine.
Mr. Chairman,
Addressing the enormous destabilising power of illicit transfers of conventional armaments, including SALW, continues to be of the utmost importance to maintain regional security. In this respect, we cannot avoid mentioning the on-going Russia`s military aggression against Ukraine. These violent actions entail illicit transfers of SALW, which in turn provoke a further escalation of the aggression.
Regrettably, on regular basis the delegation of Ukraine has to inform all relevant forums on these illegal activities of a neighbouring state. They lead to huge inflows of armaments, including SALW, to illegal armed formations operating on the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
Such actions contradict the letter and the spirit of the PoA provisions, and undermine further global and regional efforts in this domain. They erode the internationally established export control and licensing procedures which secure effective customs and border controls.
Russia totally ignores persistent calls of the international community to establish effective border control. Instead, this state keeps providing permanent inflow of illegal weapons and ammunition, including SALW, into the territory of Ukraine through temporally uncontrolled segment of the Ukraine-Russia border.
Needless to say that these illegal actions deliberately destabilize not only sub-regional, but entire European security and stability. Such situation, without any doubt, endangers proper implementation of the Programme of Action.
The UN has no right to turn a blind eye on this threatening situation. We urge Russia to abide by the PoA and uphold its commitments under all other international treaties and agreements it is violating. We call on this state to cease its destabilising illegal transfers of armaments, including SALW, to Ukraine.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, we welcome the preparatory documents submitted by you, and are looking forward to a constructive and result-oriented dialogue at the Third PoA Review Conference in June 2018 and during this PrepCom. The delegation of Ukraine considers the updated outline of elements as a good basis for our further substantive discussion.
I thankyou.