Заява делегації України у відповідь на заяву делегації Росії на загальних дебатах ГА ООН

Заява делегації України у відповідь на заяву делегації Росії на загальних дебатах ГА ООН

Thank you Mr. President,

I would like to take the floor in order to exercise Ukraine’s right of reply due to the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation made earlier today.

Due to the late hour, I will be very brief.

After all, the last thing the General Assembly needs — is to lift the aggressor out of its moral misery by getting engaged into exchange with it.

That is why let me limit myself to just one simple fact.

Namely, that Russia is recognized by the UN, loud and clear, as an occupying power in Ukraine — and, by extension, a side to the conflict.

Recognized by the General Assembly — the most representative body of the United Nations.

What does it mean?

It means that as such — as an occupying power and side to the conflict — it has neither legal nor moral right to pronounce itself on Ukraine in this Chamber.

At least not until Russia returns Crimea to Ukraine, withdraws from Donbas and pays in full for its aggression.