Виступ делегації України на засіданні РБ ООН щодо загроз міжнародному миру і безпеці, спричинених терористичними актами (ІДІЛ)
![Виступ делегації України на засіданні РБ ООН щодо загроз міжнародному миру і безпеці, спричинених терористичними актами (ІДІЛ)](/pub/news/144886ad517cf341.jpg)
Mr. President,
I would like to thank Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman for briefing us on findings of the Secretary-General’s report on ISIL.
We are pleased that the Secretary-General has resumed practice of providing a comprehensive review of this terrorist organization’s presence throughout the world, which is important for a better understanding of an evolving threat posed by ISIL and its affiliates.
I join others in noting encouraging signs that resolute international efforts became detrimental for ISIL:
- it is continually losing ground in Iraq and Syria due to elevated military pressure. I want to commend the Iraqi security forces and the International counter-ISIL coalition for their efforts to bring the liberation of Mosul to a successful conclusion. The crackdown on the terrorist stronghold in Syrian Raqqa is the next decisive step to ensure the wane of ISIL’s influence;
- steady problems with the generation of revenues has forced ISIL to cut the support of its affiliates, thus downscaling their abilities to expand the presence and to carry out massive attacks. The attempts to move funds abroad open up opportunities for the international community to further deplete its financial resources by intercepting couriers and money transfers;
- a decrease of FTFs numbers travelling to Iraq and Syria and a diminished capability of ISIL to control its fighters have become a tendency that limits its manpower;
- many states have started the review of the CT legislation, including respective strategies, mobilization of resources and the creation of specialized CT units.
Mr. President,
Now I would also like to address a number of points of particular concern for us.
On the evolution of the threat
Recent terrorist attacks across the world reveal a new trend — to inspire rather than send fighters to carry out impromptu attacks in their own country, on the part of ISIL. These attacks are extremely hard to prevent.
It is known that ISIL established online groups to recruit and indoctrinate as well as to disseminate operational strategies through private channels.
How can we counter these threats?
First, by eliminating drivers fueling radicalization and promoting social cohesion states will greatly complicate terrorist tasks.
Second, development of counter-narratives will curb terrorist recruiters’ efficiency in attracting new followers.
Third, fostering close contacts with local communities will go a long way in helping to early identify radicalized elements and to take necessary actions to disrupt terrorist plots.
On terrorist financing
The SG report indicates that there is a significant drop of ISIL’s revenues from the illicit trade in hydrocarbons, largely due to military operations targeting related infrastructure. Yet, the smuggling of natural resources continues and there is a lack of information on the overall effectiveness of neighboring countries’ efforts to arrest vendors and identify buyers that contribute to financing terrorist activities. We would appreciate if the SG could expand on this issue in his next reports.
On returning FTFs
Without a doubt, returnees pose a real threat as they possess lethal skills and can put them to use with dire consequences.
Thus, there is a growing need to ensure a wider criminalization of FTFs and exchange of evidence of their crimes. Otherwise, they could be released enjoying freedom to travel. Another worrying fact is that some states deport FTFs to countries of their origin without informing the latter.
Rapid information sharing, especially of FTFs biometric data, as well as the effective use of respective Interpol databases should become a priority if we are to stem FTFs flows.
Their abuse of asylum systems also constitutes a major problem at the time when the huge waves of migrants arrive from conflict zones in order to find shelter. It is time to take a more thorough look at this very serious and, at the same time, human rights sensitive issue.
Mr. President,
Recently ISIL has suffered numerous setbacks and defeats on battlefield . However, we are still far from it being completely eradicated.
This terrorist organization has demonstrated its ability to regenerate and change shape, moving underground and resorting to asymmetric attacks when it is weakened.
Therefore, the international community has to draw lessons from this and develop a viable Day After strategy that will address and resolve root causes, which instigated ISIL’s creation, to prevent its resurrection.
I thank you.