Виступ Постійного представника України при ООН Сергія Кислиці у Третьому комітеті ГА ООН щодо проєкту резолюції "Ситуація в тимчасово окупованих Автономній Республіці Крим та м.Севастополь, Україна""

Виступ Постійного представника України при ООН Сергія Кислиці у Третьому комітеті ГА ООН щодо проєкту резолюції "Ситуація в тимчасово окупованих Автономній Республіці Крим та м.Севастополь, Україна""

Mr. Chair,

I have the honor to introduce the draft resolution L.29 “Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine”. I wish to thank all Member States that have cosponsored this year’s draft resolution.

Mr. Chair,

At the outset, I would like to refer to the latest Secretary-General’s Report 76/260 on the situation of human rights in Crimea. Its provisions constitute the basis of the present resolution.

I regret that, as reported, blatant illegal actions in the temporarily occupied Crimea persist. The occupying authorities continue repressive practices against Ukrainian citizens, who seek to enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms in full.

I am not surprised that after all the Secretary-General’s findings and conclusions the Russian Federation prosecutes Crimean residents for reprinting of his Report. It would be absurd, if it’s not done by a state, which occupies the seat of the Soviet Union in the Security Council!

Russia’s unwillingness to uphold its international obligations has no borders, has no limits! The voices of dissent with the occupation regime in Crimea are suppressed by repressions and jail.

Mr. Chair,

I would like to reiterate that Ukraine is willing to resolve the conflict and de-occupy Crimea peacefully. In August, Ukraine together with partners inaugurated the International Crimea Platform – a new international consultation and coordination format aimed at de-occupation of Crimea. We call on all states who have not done so to join this initiative.

We also invited Russia to cooperate with the Platform. And what we see instead? Russia’s authorities send Crimean residents to jail for their support of the Platform.

Mr. Chair,

During the past week, this Committee has adopted a number of important draft resolutions. I particularly refer to the ones on the rights of indigenous peoples; human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation; enforced disappearances; protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons – to name just a few. Some of the drafts we are about to adopt, like on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity.

Ukraine is proud to co-sponsor all mentioned documents. They address vital issues of the present time. The only caveat here is how to force the occupying Power to implement all those provisions in the Ukrainian territories under foreign occupation?

That is why we introduced a number of essential elements into the draft resolution on Crimea. We specifically call on the occupying Power:

· to supply fresh water resources to civil population;

· to stop repressions against indigenous people;

· to lift prohibitions of the activities of religious groups;

· to stop destructions of cultural and natural heritage;

· to ensure the safety of journalists and other media workers;

· to investigate enforced disappearances;

· to release political hostages.

All those issues were addressed by the Committee with overwhelming support in the mentioned drafts and we call on all Member States to do the same regarding Ukrainian Crimea by supporting present draft resolution.

Mr. Chair,

In a few minutes, a Russian delegate will insist, in a traditionally manipulative manner, that the “Crimea question” is closed.

Apparently, the UN General Assembly does not agree with this wishful opinion.

Distinguished delegates, your vote is about the fate of the people who live in the occupied Crimea amid all the challenges. Your vote is for justice and truth.

Thank you.